The 7 Secrets of Writing Social Media Ad Copy That Converts

By Readable Vibes 8 Min Read


You’ve got a message that you want to share with the world, but without suitable ad copy, it’s not going to do much. You need to make sure that your ads are compelling enough for people to click and engage with them—and if you’re not careful, even if they’re responding positively, your ROI on social media advertising could be lower than it should be. In this post, we’ll look at seven tips for writing effective social media ad copy so you can get more out of every dollar spent on ads like these:

7 Secrets of Writing Social Media

Secret #1: Your Audience Is Human

The first secret to writing social media ad copy converts is that your audience is human. People are more likely to buy from people they know, like, and trust. They also tend to buy from people who are similar to them (e.g., age range).

So how do you take advantage of these human tendencies? By creating a written story around them—a narrative that speaks directly and personally about who you are and what your company stands for.

Secret #2: You Can’t Be Everything to Everyone

You can’t be everything to everyone.

This is one of the greatest lessons I’ve learned from writing social media ad copy for years. It’s one that most people don’t realize, but it’s also one of the most important ones you’ll ever learn in your career as a writer—or even someone who wants to do good work at their job.

This lesson is so important because if you try and put all your effort into being something that everyone wants, then you’ll end up doing nothing! Your customers will get frustrated with their experience with your brand because they feel like they’re being sold something which doesn’t meet their needs (and maybe even won’t work).

Secret #3: No One Cares About Your Features

The 3rd secret of writing social media ad copy that converts is that no one cares about your product or service’s features.

People care about how your product or service can help them achieve their goals and dreams. Maybe it’s a new phone, and it’s perhaps a new car, maybe it’s something else entirely (like finding love). Whatever it is, these are all things people want from life—and they’ll always find a way to pay for it if they think there’s value in what you’re offering.

Secret #4: Social Media Advertising Is More Valuable Than You Think

Social media advertising is more valuable than you think.

Social media ads can be more effective than other types of advertising.

Social Media Advertising Is Less Expensive Than Other Types Of Advertising (see this study)

In fact, according to an article on Forbes: “According to social network data provider Buzzsumo, Facebook’s organic reach (the number of people who see your content) is about six times higher than that of Google or Twitter.”

Secret #5: You Don’t Have to Be Funny or Clever

You don’t have to be funny or clever.

If you want to write ad copy that converts, the best way is by using simple language and a conversational tone. While it may seem obvious, many marketers forget this when trying to create engaging social media ads—and they write things like “people love us” or “we’re awesome.”

That’s not going to cut it with your audience—and if it isn’t cutting it for them, chances are good that it won’t cut it for anyone else either!

Secret #6: The Good Stuff Comes in the Second Round

The good stuff comes in the second round.

The best part about writing social media ad copy is that it’s like a game of chess, except instead of moving your pieces around on a board and trying to outsmart everyone else, you’re just trying to bait them into doing something stupid (like clicking on an ad).

For example: let’s say that you’ve written some great first-round ads—they got their target audience interested enough to click on them and visit your website or app. But then nothing happens when they land there! They don’t do anything at all! You need more content for this next round, so people will keep coming back for more content from us…

Secret #7: Test, Test, and Test Again

Now that you’re done with your copy, it’s time to test it.

Test everything! If you’ve got a good idea for an ad and think it’ll work well online, go ahead and run the ad on Facebook or Twitter. Then watch for clicks and conversions in the analytics dashboard of whichever platform you use (Facebook has its analytics tool). If there’s no conversion rate—if people aren’t clicking on your ads—then try something else until you find something that works better.

Social media ad copywriters can learn a lot from these tips.

  • Test everything! You don’t need to be a guru to test your ads and campaigns, but you do need to test them regularly. It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that your audience knows what they want or needs when it comes to advertising on social media—but this isn’t always true. For your brand or product to thrive, you have to know what they want and need for them to make purchases directly through your site or app (or even via third-party sites). Don’t just assume–test!
  • Know your audience: The best thing about writing social media ad copy is knowing precisely who will read them and why they’re reading them in the first place; this allows us, writers, more freedom when crafting our message than if we were working alone without any insight into who might be interested in reading our content at all times during production time.”


So, there you have it: seven simple tips from some of the best ad copywriters on the planet. We hope that you’re now equipped with all the knowledge necessary to write social media advertising that converts. And remember: just because something looks easy doesn’t mean it is! If your copy isn’t converting, then look at each point individually and work on improving them one by one until they do. Remember—the best way to improve your writing skills is by reading up on different techniques and styles (like we did here), but also by doing lots of practice!

Ready to take your writing social media to the next level? Head over to Readable Vibes now!

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